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Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot Sep 02, 2022

By: Katie Burnham, DPT

Is There a Benefit to Regular Sauna Use?

Our bodies are excretion machines! Yup, they really do a great job at eliminating waste. Urination, defecation, breathing and SWEAT are all examples of the body’s way to eliminate waste. Who doesn’t love a...

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Your Favorite Physical Therapist Hurt Himself! Aug 19, 2022

By: Nick Sienkiewicz, DPT, CSCS

PT's Can Get Injured Too

I know what you’re thinking… No way! Nick is a physical specimen, probably the most elite and stunning athlete I’ve ever laid eyes on… There’s no way he could get hurt!!! All joking aside, many of our...

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Don't Shoot the Messenger Jul 21, 2022

By: Nick Sienkiewicz, PT, DPT, CSCS

We Need to Think Deeper About Our Health

We spend too much time blaming the messenger in our modern medical system. Many of our treatment strategies for the conditions that plague the human body are targeted at the wrong things. Let’s go through a few...

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The Modern Mismatch Jun 17, 2022

By: Nick Sienkiewicz, DPT, CSCS

A Footwear Mismatch

If you have ever been to ProForm, you know we have a foot fetish (well it may just be me, but we all certainly care about our footwear!). Much of the reason we are so passionate about helping people transition into more natural footwear is...

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The Testosterone Epidemic Jun 03, 2022

By: Chad Burnham DPT, FAFS, CSCS

Are You The Man Your Father Was?!

What if I told you that you may not be the man your father was. In fact, your father may not have been the man his father was! I know that sounds pretty deep…Well it is! Some would say that the future is beginning to look...

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The Curious Case of the Chronic Clencher May 06, 2022

By: Katie Burnham, DPT

Are You a Chronic Clencher?!

Ever notice that some people have a tendency towards suffering from headaches or teeth grinding/clenching? Other people clench their booty and stand in a hip tucked posture. Our abdominals, glutes, traps, jaw and pelvic floor are a few...

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Quality Over Quantity Apr 22, 2022

By: Karyssa Shaw

The Importance of Technique

Have you ever thought about the number of times you were excited to hit a PR (personal record) when you're training. Or what about the thought of lifting a 3 digit number instead of a 2 digit number? It's exciting... right?! Many people have...

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Accountability & Communication Apr 08, 2022

By: Karyssa Shaw

It will make or break a trainer-client relationship!

There are many things that are expected when you are a personal training client. Aside from the typical goals of getting stronger or losing weight, every training client should expect to get regular communication and a trainer...

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Meal Prepping vs. Meal Planning Mar 25, 2022

By: Tayler Provost

Are you a "prepper" or are you a "planner"?!

When it comes to meal planning and meal prepping, there is a difference. Planning is as it states, a “plan”, which is less of a thought for most people. When you plan to go to the grocery store, do you make a list, or are...

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It's All About Balance Mar 11, 2022

By: Karyssa Shaw

Everything in Moderation!

If you know me, you know that I am not one to pass up a sugary treat. Donuts, ice cream, pastries, cookies, everything! I guess you could say that I have a sugar “addiction”. Having this “addiction” coupled with not eating real...

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Yoga & Sexual Health Connect?! Feb 25, 2022

By: Katie Burnham, DPT

Yoga For Pelvic Pain - Specific to Sexual Health

Pelvic pain can be a result of a pelvic floor dysfunction. It can sometimes be accompanied by other symptoms. Things to watch for are urinary leakage, constipation, frequent urination and a really strong urge to urinate when...
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Mental Health IS Health Feb 11, 2022

By: Karyssa Shaw

Glasses for your brain. 

I’ve talked about this on our “In The Rack” Podcast but thought making it into a blog post would be a quick and easy way to help people understand that mental health is health. Your mental health should be just as important as your...

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