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Ep 17: Plantar Faciitis or Plantar Fasciopathy? Let's Get The Terms Right!

In The RACK Podcast...Powered by ProForm Physical Therapy.


In this Episode Chad and Nick are switching it up. Today we are talking about the good ‘ol dx of plantar fasciitis...But is this actually what we should be calling it?


Fasciitis means inflammation. Through research of plantar pain, inflammation does not seem to be a big factor if any at all!


Fasciosis (meaning an abnormal state or condition) or fasciopathy (meaning a disease or disorder) are much more accurate terms to describe pain surrounding the plantar fascia region. 


In this episode we dive into what the plantar fascia is and how the biomechanics of the body can greatly impact the stress of this tissue.

We discuss the reoccurrence rate of plantar fasciopathy and what is contributing to this increasing rate.

Stay tuned for the end of this episode as we also discuss quality treatment strategies for plantar fasciotopathy as well as introduce our next guest speaker for the upcoming episode. 

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